Friday, January 16, 2009

Thoughts on working through the night

So tonight starts my fifth 8pm to 8am shift at work. The last four nights have felt like two weeks. The night is quiet, the night is boring and the night is lonely. I had expectations for the down time I would have at this job. I would do devotions every night. I could exercise for a 1/2 to Mr. Richard Simmons and that would only take 1/24 of my night. Anyone who knows me knows that I can clean. Once the clients are in bed and the cleaning is done there is nothing to do but watch tv shows on dvd (gilmore girls, M.A.S.H.), late night infommercials (a later blog), sudoku, reading, and oh yeah...snacking. This week I did one devotional and to tell the truth I don't remember what it was about. I need to push myself. We will see, I will continue to remember that Perfection is not the goal.

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