Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Random thoughts…

I’m feeling anxious…It is chemo week which always comes with some kind of anxiety…but this week there is more…


This morning I am getting a CT scan of my chest/abdomen and Thursday morning I am getting another CT scan of my neck…


I think maybe I am nervous about getting the results…it is obvious from the outside that the masses in my neck have shrank considerably but who knows what is going on inside…


Friday morning before chemo I have an appointment with the doctor and am assuming I will get the results of these scans then…


I’m also working this week (Mon-Thurs) and am becoming more discontented by the hour…yesterday, for the first time in a year I looked at the want ads in the paper…there were only like 10 and either I did not qualify or they would be a lateral move…I don’t want to change jobs until I am done with chemo so I guess I have some time to figure out what I can do…I have an idea of what I want to do, but wanting to, and being able to do something are two different things…I can’t get a job that is not available…


I need some motivation!


Cause I got nuthin’

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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