Saturday, July 10, 2010

Journal Challenge

Prompt 23

Journal Prompt 23:  Today I want you to fill an entire page in your journal with one of the elements of art.  As an art teacher, I have to talk about all of the elements of art...daily.
Here they are:
1.  Line
2.  Color
3.  Shape
4.  Space
5. Texture
6.  Form

I chose two (cause I’m a rebel) and used color and lines


Prompt 24

What is your favorite place…I kind of had a hard time thinking of this one so I went a bit generic


Prompt 25

Use one word or phrase to describe your day and write it in different fonts…this was Wednesday and I stayed home all day and relaxed…


Prompt 26

Your favorite recipe…this stuff is SINFUL…just remember if you make it to let it sit at least over night for it to really taste its best :)


Prompt 27

If you could change one thing, what would it be.  This could be something about yourself, your situation, your city, your country, the world...anything!!

The first thing that came to mind when i read this prompt was GRACE…if everyone would give and receive grace more freely just think of what would follow!


Only four more days of prompts left, then I will be left to think of my own things to journal about each day…OH, the pressure of it all!


I promise I won’t continue to share ALL my entries with you after the 31 day challenge is over…maybe just once in a while!

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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