Thursday, June 17, 2010

Misc…playing catch up

I’ve been going out bald 95% of the time…it is just too flipping hot to wear a scarf or hat…I’m so happy that I think I look pretty good bald…ENJOY!

I have been wanting to start a journal that I would keep for myself and not swap to someone else…so I thought this 30 day challenge would be a great start…every day the person posts her page and what the prompt of the day is…I was excited because I found out about it the day it started so I got to start on day one…the prompt was
#1 introduce yourself, use your name a lot

#2 what is the best part of your day?
#3. write a letter to someone and let them know why you love them
#4. what does your heart look like
Well at least I am updated on the journal thing, which I am really enjoying…the last two are a little personal but I want to be authentic and show all my entries so there you go…
I am working a full 7 night week this week (the first time since being diagnosed) I am tired…and I still have four nights left…we will see what happens with that…I do know it is going to be amazing to get a full paycheck…getting paid for seven nights is a lot different than getting paid for two or four nights :)
I have a couple of things I want to write about, and now that I feel caught up on pictures I think maybe tonight I will write a post with a little more depth….
Have a great day!
It is 10:45 a.m. and I am really tired and on my way to bed for the day!
Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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