Sunday, May 9, 2010

Letter From a Titus 2 Mother

Dear Mothers, I just wanted to write about household schedules this morning. We all need to walk by faith, believing the Lord for the unseen miracles to appear. But you have to have a back drop or a stage for miracles, a pivot point. The acts of miracles happen to a wife and mother usually as she is working obediently in her home, and under her husbands covering, as she is obeying Gods Word.

Submission to husband covers more than your personal marriage.  It covers your love and duties towards the children, and your submission to housework.
Our calling as wives is that of keeper at home, The Bible says “EVERY wise woman builds her house but the foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.”
Usually as women when we fall into anxiety and fear it has to do with being out of our callings as keepers at home.

1 Peter 3 speaks of the meek and quiet spirit being the spirit of submission to your husband. If you are raging with fear inside your heart then I bet we could trace it all back to some attack of the devil concerning your place in your home. The attack on the mother at home is satanic and strong as it never has been before. I know it’s hard, But some how we got to duck back into our coverings of duty.

Fear is what causes your anxiety. Nerve pills cover the anxiety. They numb your feelings, but the root is satanic. We have a call to be Sarah’s daughters, to not be afraid with any AMAZEMENT. Our anxiety attacks come as we become amazed, then the hormones start popping. We need to stay under our holy covering of housewifery, and put on housewifery as a shawl of holiness and peace, and soundness of mind.

Love, Connie

May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.

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