Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day and a WINNER

First of all…


to all the mamas out there…hope you end today feeling loved…I’ve already told you all about how great my mom is…What is great about your mom?


Here is mom and I at the Ladies dinner last night, after getting ready I looked at myself in the mirror and thought…I don’t hate it, I’m not gonna wear a scarf, so I didn’t…I was confident until it was time to walk into the the dinner…but I did it and am still alive…


I gave mom her present last night, nothing fancy or pretty, it is functional but I know she really wanted it…for her birthday we helped her buy a new mattress but didn’t get the frame for it because the store we were at was charging entirely too much for one…SO, her mother’s day surprise was a box of metal that will form together and get her bed off the ground…woo hoo! I can’t wait to see it up, I gave it to her right before I had to go to work last night so she probably put it together after I left…


and for all those moms I can’t see here are some flowers to beautify your day…


and now for the WINNER…the winner of the Random Act of Kindness giveaway is RyeRye! She wasn’t sure how to post a comment so e-mailed me instead…I just wrote 1 through 10 on a piece of paper and randomly assigned people’s names to a number and then picked a number out of a hat…good fun!

I’ve informed her of her win and will mail her prize off in the next week or so…I will be sure to have other giveaways from time to time, and don’t hesitate to participate (ha ha that rhymed)

Until Later!


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