Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Crazy Dream

I had the craziest dream this afternoon…


It was about an urgent need to use the bathroom…and it was intense!


Since I got sick I have been having, night sweats on and off, I just get really hot under the covers but am sleeping so well that i don’t kick the covers off, or wake up to readjust the covers…


A lot of times these sweats are accompanied by dreams about having to pee but today’s beats them all…


The dream was a bit segmented but for the most part it included me having to use the bathroom every five minutes…toward the end, I was shopping at a mall with mom and NO ONE would let me go to the bathroom…no one would believe I had to go…and at one point, after a lot of pleading, one of the managers of a store picked up a letter, opened it and said are you ‘Michael Thompson?’ because, it says here, he is the only one I can allow to use the bathroom…


Defeated…I couldn’t hold it in anymore and just let it go, right there in front of the store manager...I was SO angry with him…


I was not proud of it but seriously there isn’t an indefinite amount of time that you can hold your bladder…


Finally I made myself wake up and my heart sunk…my bed was soaked and I was SURE I had wet the bed…but, I still had to go SO bad…


Breathing a sigh of relief I realize the wet bed did not smell and it was not pee...I had just had another episode with my nemesis...‘night sweat’.

Screenshot - 5_18_2010 , 8_55_02 PM

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