Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ways to NOT spend money

Even before this whole week of medical surprises…I had to start thinking of ways to not just ‘save’ money but simply to ‘not spend’ money (because my hours at work had been cut)…
So far…
#1. Don’t get my nails done…it has been over a month (so sad I know)

#2. Don’t even entertain the idea of getting a real pedicure…my Pedegg, lotion, and thick socks are my best friends

#3. Do NOT stop at a thrift store or yard sale…you don’t stop you won’t buy anything even if it is $1.00

#4. Don’t get my haircut anymore…long is the new spiky short

#5. Take the back way to work so that I’m not tempted to stop for some ice cream or a Mellow Yellow from McDonald’s

#6. Mom has been making our laundry detergent for over a year and that has been working really well

#7. Shop at CVS and Walgreens for body wash, shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste when they have extra bucks/register reward sales that you can couple with coupons

#8. No more soda…or at least WAY less…I drank the last Dr. Pepper in the house last night so just water from now on…the Dr’s told me I need LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of water now…I never really liked water but the last couple of weeks I have been craving nothing but water so that is good :)

#9. Cut WAY down on my hobby (I started cutting back a couple of weeks ago, and it hasn’t been too hard) I am on a sight called Swap-Bot where you swap crafts and things with people all over the world…it has been a great experience but shipping to other countries can be expensive and if you swap a lot of things the postage can add up VERY quickly without you realizing it…so I am cutting back (I will not cut it out of my life because it is a great thing) and only mailing things like postcards and flat things, like cards, paper crafts, pen pal letters ect…
Well, that is all I got right now…there isn’t too terribly much to cut out…I have no credit cards…and just regular payments of my car, phone, car insurance, and household expenses…but I am sure I will find other ways…
A couple of years ago I had some friends over for breakfast and somehow we were talking about money and one of them said that she and her husband have one rule…and that rule is that ‘we don’t buy anything ever’, we laughed but I have never forgotten that…I think that is a good rule…or at least one to strive for…wish me luck!
Last night mom and I went through all my bills and we paid everything we could in advance with what we have, in all, it was pretty encouraging to get what we could paid, or at least make payments on before I will be losing my income for a little while…I am feeling blessed and encouraged by what we paid and am going to try and continue that attitude moving forward.
Today I woke up feeling really weak…I’m not sure if it is because I slept in and so was late in taking my medication or if it is just how things might be for a while. If I am walking and have to cough forget it…it is like I can’t stand up…so my only goals for today are to do laundry and clean out my clothes in my closet…lastly I hope to take the dog for a little walk today…she has been sorely neglected this week poor thing!
Thank you to all those who are encouraging me through this time, it still doesn’t feel real…I will not say I’m O.K because I am not…I am really scared… and next week proves to be just as busy or MORE busy than last week. Monday on top of other appointments, I will be having a bone marrow biopsy and I am terrified of having to lay face down on a table to let the Dr. poke needles into my bones…*Deep Breath*

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