Thursday, April 22, 2010

Quality Time With Abba Father

Today I woke up early. I got some coffee for me and my husband. My husband went to work. I went to the living room couch and just started talking to God. It felt so great. Everything was quiet and everyone else was sleeping.

I had about thirty minutes of quality time with Him. I prayed so peacefully without stuff cluttering up my head. I was just talking to Him about me and my husband and my children and my loved ones, but mostly myself and my husband. It was really nice. It's been weeks that I haven't prayed like this.

I always pray as I do housework but it's kind of different. I am half focused on him and half focused on my chores, and there's noise in the background. We pray at mealtimes but those are kind of rushed. My sweetest memories of time spent with the Lord have been early in the morning or crying in the bathtub as I try to relax my nerves when I've been emotional or angry at My husband. Those are prayers that really seem to move the hand of God.

He is my wonderful Abba Father. I love that I can just be like a little child cuddling up with a sweet Papa and just know that when I am through talking everything is going to be all right. As I felt His presence I felt Him say I need to make sure my Marisol and Karla get the same love from me that He is giving me. He didn't say that about Angelica probably because I am still nursing her. I really appreciate the Lord for making me understand this before I get consequences I regret later.

I recommend everybody to have this quality time with God. He may tell you to get into His Word. God's Word. I feel safe when I listen to my Bible CD's or read the Bible. Jesus said Man lives by every word of God. It's important. Let us brainwash ourselves with the Word until we can't possibly be deceived and we can take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Then we could really teach our little ones a biblical world view.

May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.


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