Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Home Sweet Hospital

After another long morning of tests and waiting I was finally admitted to the hospital…room number 2550…it is a really nice room, single person which is GREAT, so I thought I would take you on a little tour…


My bedP4210296 the rest of the roomP4210297 I of course had to pack pictures and things to make sure I feel at home so there is my little attempt at bringing home to the hospitalP4210303 Everyone knows my love of all things bird so I wanted to show you the great pair of PJ bottoms we found at Wal-Mart last night…even birdies on my pants baby! P4210307 I brought a bird to hang on my IV stand, and a bird to hang in the room, I brought a stuffed little bird to hold during chemo, and a bird figurine to sit on the nightstand…I will not forget Matthew 6:26 through these next days…I will not forget Matthew 6:26 because I will be surrounded by birds…I will be surrounded by birds given to me by people who care…and represent Christ to me…I will see Christ when I see the birds…and I will be free…


Tomorrow I start chemo…at 8:30 for 6hrs I will be getting the first drug of the regimen…they are introducing them separately this first time to monitor how I tolerate things…so then on Friday it will be another 6hrs of two other drugs…I am scared of how my body is going to react…am I going to throw up? am I going to get chills? am I going to get really weak? I guess I gotta do it to find out right?


Here is my new sassy hair cut…I love it, I do not love my irregular potato shaped face (but unfortunately there is nothing I can do about that right now)


Well, this post is kinda flat but my ambien is kicking in and I am ready to try to get ready for bed…wish me luck in getting a good sleep, I need it!

Until Tomorrow


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