Friday, April 30, 2010

Cause or Effect


cause: if I order hats and make scarves

effect: I will lose my hair


Late last night, in preparation of my impending hair loss, I spent a couple of hours hemming and hawing over which hats to order…I thought I had my choices made…I was waiting to show mom tonight and then click to send the order off…I mean I have to allow for shipping time right? I will feel better having at least one well fitting hat in my possession by the end of next week…that is when the hair loss COULD start…I HATE not knowing when it will start.


This morning, I became paralyzed…that amount was TOO much for hats…I thought…I don’t need five I just need those three…yep, those three will be good…WAIT! are those the right colors? is that the right hat? what if we get it and they don’t look right? I wish there was a cancer hat store in the area…maybe there is…I should wait to order until I find out…You need to take a deep breath after reading that rambling right? I know I do…maybe I was thinking…







yep, I’ve decided that is what I was thinking

makes sense right?

I think so…



cause: My hair WILL fall out

effect: I will need to find hats and make scarves


Tonight we went grocery shopping because tomorrow it is supposed to rain cats, dogs, cows, and butterflies…while at Wal-Mart we checked out the fabric and found some on sale that we could play at making scarves with…

P4300340I love the texture of the green one and the pattern of the blue and gold one…I thought the other two were nice subtle colors…I’ve looked on-line for patterns and ideas but I think we will start simple and just make some large squares to play with…


I’m feeling the beginning of an internal freak out about losing my hair…it is scary…


Lastly for tonight, I thought I would give a little tutorial for those who might not know how to leave a comment on any of my posts…I copied some screens to show you how…you know if you wanna…


…at the bottom of the post after my signature click where it says comments

Screenshot - 5_1_2010 , 1_20_54 AM

this is the screen you will be taken to…where it says comment as: select profile, click on the down arrow and choose anonymous…


this is now how your screen should look (select profile will now say anonymous), you can write your comment, just remember to sign your name so I will know who you are…


Mom had mentioned someone saying they weren’t sure how to comment and I figured if there was one person there might be more so here ya go!


Until Later!

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