Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tour of Laundry Room & Meet the Cats!

Thought I’d share my favorite new ‘outside the box’ contraption
We had a rolling cart to hang clothes on and I hated how much room it too up.
On a whim I bought a 2.00 set of plant hangers, found a bar, hung the hangers the length of the bar apart and voilà, our own personal clothing rack that doesn’t take up a TON of room…I’m SUPER happy with it.
Here's Whitey asking for some lovin’
(she looks dingy doesn’t she…maybe she just couldn’t stay white forever)
We took her to the vet this week for her bi-yearly diabetic check.
They doubled her dosage of insulin, and said she had lost three pounds.
She is 11 years old…not sure how many more years we will have her.
She basically lives her life on the dresser snuggled on her purple bath mat.
Her favorite pastime is sneaking into the kitchen and
finding the ONE thing you may have accidently left out to make her snack.
She is so sneaky, but always gets caught when something drops.
She also likes to sneak into the dining room table and become the center piece.
It is freaky to walk in there and see a living center piece on the table.
I think she likes the sun that comes in through the walls of windows,
I love finding the cats in random places…they make me smile.
While we are in the laundry room, lets take a tour…
PB010012  Sheer white and red curtains with some hearts and stars clothes pinned to the top. We have yet to figure out whey there are three outlets so close together…I’m pretty sure they are there to drive me nuts!
Cute sign we got at a flea market (made by men with developmental disabilities) with a heart and star hanging from the ends.
My favorite dumpster find EVER, the black hutch, perfecting for organizing all those laundry supplies. We have been making our own laundry detergent for over six months and has been great. It is cheap, and easy to do. If any one is interested let me know and I can find the recipe for you. It sure is nice to take that expense off your shopping trip list…
Oh, here's Whitey following me around….
Oh, wait there is Star (she is my cat, and whitey sister)
Star is fat so she can’t jump to the places whitey can,
I’m pretty sure they want a treat...since I had just given’ them an ample tasting of their treats
…they are just being greedy now!

In the living room…
It’s a Little Bit…
Tucked-in snuggly warm…
making cute sounds while she sleeps.
For some reason in the winter I love to cover her and tuck her in. She seems to love being nestled warmly, be it under the covers pressed up against your legs, lost in the blanket on the couch, or wrapped up in her cute bed and fleece throws…
She MIGHT be spoiled…
...Just MAYbe…

I CAN’T help myself!


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