Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The tenacity of those that own this car is amazing.
A couple of months ago bright neon signs started to litter this local family’s home.
It seemed like everyday a new sign would pop up, always on bright poster board and, always entertaining. From what I understand they hired the company Rebath to come in and do a one day redo of their bathroom that turned into SEVEN months.
Last week I drove by the house (it happens to be on the main road) and was surprised to see ONE lonely sign that stated:
“Finally I believe justice has been served”
I would love to know the outcome.
They made sure you could see the signs from every angle.
They sure did what they felt was necessary to get bad service fixed…I’m glad they got a result they could live with because, I am SURE that they would have signs up there until kingdom comes if they didn’t get some kind of satisfaction. How far would you go to satisfiy a wrong done to you by "the man"?

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