Tuesday, November 17, 2009


When God speaks we should listen.

The Holy Spirit nudges…you go about to meet a need.

Simple? Yes.
Easy to ignore? Absolutely.

Let me give you a reason to listen to that sometimes inaudible voice and act on its behalf.


Two weeks ago I was in the laundry room, probably doing some laundry, and a new family from church popped into my head. Just as quickly a sense of urgency captured my heart, and I went to work.

I went to work, putting together a basket of things that I hoped they needed, hoped they would enjoy.

I got excited, I had fun.

These ‘things’ came from the stash built since having started couponing over six months ago. This smart shopping allowed me to stuff a large basket with food, deodorant, razors, shampoo, conditioner, face wash, magazines, nail polish, shirts, crayons, coloring books, candles…man was it heavy.

Then I hole punched a bird pictured I printed a while ago


and used some twine to tie it to the handles.

After a few days of trying to figure out where they lived I was able to deliver my surprise. I was nervous. My intention was to not be known as the maker of the basket, but because they were sick and weren’t at church I was unable to remain anonymous. Before work on a Monday I went to their apartment and fumbled through explaining that God had brought them to my mind and why Matthew 6:26 was my favorite verse.

To say I was out of my comfort zone would be an understatement. While I am failing spectacularly at conveying this story…I am actually much more confident in my writing, and oddly…a lot more confident in my public speaking skills than my one-on-one speaking skills.

A while later when I saw this family at church the mom told me how much the family enjoyed the basket. She told of the girls fighting over the toys and the shirts fitting her oldest girl nicely. She said how you wouldn’t think of it but having those things give a sense of normalcy. She had a look in her eyes that I can only describe as dignity. To receive that basket of our overflow helped restore some normalcy to their lives.

To give that basket out of our overflow helped me realize the importance of listening to the Holy Spirit when he speaks. So whether it is praying for that person that popped into your head or stopping to meet a need your not even sure is there let’s all listen…let’s be generous…and above all else let’s be...



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