Sunday, November 8, 2009


I would like to introduce you to my laptop…
chameleon…Cammy for short…chameleon because she is going to change her shell on my whim.
The other day I wend to the dollar tree in search of stickers, the kind that won’t leave sticky when your done and came across these hilarious toilet seat stickers…aren’t they GREAT!
For the most part I am in like with my Personal Computer…
It’s a bit slow and…
The WI-FI doesn’t work as well as I thought it would so I can’t get the internet at work (which I had been super excited about) and at home it is a low signal even when I am in the same room as the router. Yesterday I went to the parking lot of McDonald's and nothing…but my cell phone WIFI picks their free WI-FI up. I’m gonna have to investigate to see if there is something I can do to help it out…(it was less than a 1/3 of the cost of a new computer so I am NOT complaining).
I do have to say that;
*I love being able to write blog posts on Windows Live Writer when I am at work. I will defiantly be posting more (aren’t you excited?)
*I can do my budget (or what I call a budget) on my long nights at work.
*I can type up E-mails to better keep in touch with friends.
*I can journal…typing seems to make it easier…LOVE the backspace button. I am too OCD for writing, I like it to look nice and by the end of three pages I can get a little sloppy.
Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera…
I love how this toilet seat sticker transformed into a beautiful laptop cover…I didn’t notice until now that the printer and mouse portals match. How fun! I might have to look through my scrapbook stickers and find a word to stick on there.
Hope you enjoyed meeting Cammy. You will be seeing her efforts often.

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