Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I felt BEATIFUL today…and a giveaway!

The days I wear make-up are few. Working nights, basically alone, doesn’t require the use of what is sometimes expensive make-up.
But when I DO wear make-up I feel
Tonight I went to youth group at church to make cards with them. We were making blank cards that they can use to, invite, let people know they were missed, and celebrate birthdays. It was a bit of a mess. Scrapbooking is a mess with one person much less 8 teens.
So in honor of leaving the house, I put on make-up and did my hair.
After church I put on my pajamas and cleaned the bathroom. As I was cleaning the mirror I looked at myself and my first thought was…I look beautiful today…
When do you feel beautiful?
I didn’t take a picture of myself today but here is one when I had my hair did and make-up on.
*Giveaway time for all the beautiful women out there. You will win a custom matte for the picture of your choice using the colors of your choice. It will be a 8x10 matte that will hold a 5x7 picture. Sample of prior winners.

*This little one loves to climb trees her mom says she is her little tree hugger.
Check out sharon's blog by clicking on her photo.
*This little man loves his pool. Check out April's site by clicking on his photo.

Just leave me a comment letting me know when you feel beautiful.
giveaway will end ummmmm, let’s see, how about…September 10th.

MckLinky Blog Hop

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