Sunday, August 23, 2009

Look…at the birds of the air

I am happy. A word that is not always a part of my vocabulary. This week God and I had a moment. One of those moments where he says “Seriously April…THAT is NOT the way I raised you”. After the sting of being ‘caught’ in my selfish and impatient ways, I responded; “Your right…that was COMPLETLY out of line.” Since then I feel free, free from hiding my bad attitude, free to say I was in a bad place, free to encourage others.

As of late I have begun a love of birds. Birds? You say? Yep…this indoor girl is gaining a love of nature. Who woulda thunk it? This week I have claimed a ‘life verse’ for myself. A verse that when whispered calms my soul, a verse that puts perspective on the most disconcerting of circumstances.

THIS VERSE:  j0438911

Matthew 6:26

Yep, I made a graphic for it. I also had them printed from Walgreens on 4x6 sheets because Walgreens was having a lot of deals this week that included getting free pictures!

How does this verse make you feel?

Do you have a ‘life verse’.

I think people read this blog but don’t always comment. Please dialogue with me. Let us be an encouragement to each other.

Oh yeah and on Friday I got this letter.


Well I thought this would be bigger and easier to read. So…FYI it says I didn’t get the job, and you know what…I’m O.K. I’m and ready to try again. Two months ago I wasn’t ready to try at all…”Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.”



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