Thursday, August 20, 2009

Did you miss me?

It has been weeks and weeks since I have posted. I have been on vacation, then a week of work, and this week I have been unable to get on a regular sleep schedule and have been fighting a cold/flu.

So I present to you…my vacation in pictures!


my least favorite view…even in driving I have control issues and hate being behind people. I especially hate being behind semi trucks, it really makes me anxious, maybe claustrophobic or something?


funny view across the street from a gas station in northern rural Indiana


meet Lovice (my former officemate) and her daughter DeDe. She also as a son and husband but I did not get a picture of them.


This is the finished product of her living room, (she would not allow me to post the before pictures, believe me it was a MESS. I stayed with them Monday night and then again on Saturday night. Her homework was to go through the pile we made on Monday and Tuesday so that we could finish up on Saturday. It turned out GREAT. I really liked being able to give her the gift of organization. We could only do one room. She desperately tried to get me to stay to finish the rest of her house but I told her that her kitchen needed a psychological evaluation.


This is one of my favorite restaurants. My old officemates met me for lunch. It is a restaurant and a brewery.


Me being silly (I actually really like this picture)


This is my favorite meal at ‘the’ Brickstone, mini burgers and fries, way in the back you can see a fresh loaf of bread and some butter, I probably ate an entire loaf because it is AMAZING!


Andrea and me


me and Julie

Between Lovice’s and Jeri Ann’s I stayed with my old roommate Jana. I took some pictures but none the turned out well. It was nice to see her in her new house and to just catch up on life.

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Mr. Cole

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Miss Kenz coloring in the oversized My Little Pony coloring book I brought.


brand new Kangaroo shoes I got at a consignment store for 7 dollars…I love them! They have zippered pockets on the sides.


brand new Land’s End flip-flops I got at a yard sale for 2 dollars.

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Kenzie playing in her pool. Trying to get her energy out I told her to ‘keep running, just keep running, keep running so I can take your picture” she did…just keep running!

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Cole was just six weeks old so all he did was nurse and sleep. This is exactly what he looked like after every feeding. Instead of burping he would CRASH.

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Happy Baby!


Cole LOVES his sister already, when she is around he looks at her and smiles.

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I painted Kenzie’s toes the color of my toes…it is a good thing that it was 60 second drying paint cause I am not sure how long I could have kept her there.

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We were cold so we hide under a blanket and colored.



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This is Jason. He was the guy in WI who did my nails. I had let them go for almost four weeks and they were looking raggedy. He was HILARIOUS and really should be a stand up comedian. It was the best nail experience I’ve ever had, too bad he is 10 hours away.

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Can you guess where I am?

Yep, Texas Roadhouse Baby!

I stopped there on my way home from WI for lunch. I sat and read my harry potter book, and downed their AMAZING yeast rolls. I could eat them EVERYDAY!

After a week of driving, living out of my suitcase, and sleeping on three beds I was ready to come home and sleep in my own bed. I worked the day after coming back so it took me about a week to really recoup physically. Mentally this trip filled my cup that had been thirsty for awhile. I am blessed.

The following photo album is candid pictures that Kenzie took. Thought you might like to see the work through a 3 1/2 year olds eyes.


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