Sunday, July 12, 2009

Saturday (in pictures)

Yesterday was full.

Flea Market

Visit Grandma


Here is my great find at the flea market.

The color is a bit more saturated of a blue than the picture is showing. I seem to be gravitating toward 50’s style things. Not yet sure where this will live, I’m thinking on my bedside table so I can put chapstick ect… on it.



Next we went and visited my Grandma Best. She is my father’s mom. Since he died seven years ago we do not have close contact with his family except for grandma. She is 76 and ‘interesting’. If you stayed at her house long enough you would have left with her house. Every five minutes she tries to give you something else. My mom got a moomoo housecoat, a blanket for my brother (with cowboys, indians, and horses on it), a quilt with matching pillowcases, and like four shirts. I managed to say no to a doll, and a blanket, and left with only a necklace with small plastic dice on it. I need to send her more cards, though some strange things come out of her mouth, she does have a kind heart and good intentions.



Cousins (and bridesmaids) Tina and Melissa doing some last minute flower preparation.


Melissa’s hair all the girls had a side ‘do’ with flowers. They looked great



Rachael’s (the bride) hair.



Chillaxin before the big moment


The new Mr. and Mrs. Mark Martin


Bridesmaids in their great summer dresses.


My cousin Chloe (Junior Bridesmaid)


Right after they were declared husband and wife the sun shone through the church’s skylight and made a rainbow on the back wall. It was a nice moment.

The wedding was beautiful, the vows meaningful, and the preacher relevant. One thing I love to watch when I am at a wedding is the grooms face when he sees the bride for the first time. Keeping my eyes on Mark I got to see his eyes light up and smile when he saw Rachael coming down the isle. He winked at her and mouthed ‘come on’ it was SO cute, then I think I saw him do some kind of hand sign, maybe something that is just between them. They had two slideshows one at the beginning the requisite baby, kid, teen, collage, then couple pictures. The second was (a surprise) toward the end of the service and was a tribute to their families, it was also to symbolize the two of their families coming together to make one. The song to the slideshow was ‘You Raise me UP’, very appropriate I think. I was in a lot of the kid pictures because Rachael, Melissa and I were born only four to five months apart and were kind of clumped together when we were younger. Living an hour away from them I did not go to school with them and was not able to form a close relationship.


My cousin Noah.

My aunt Linda (the brides mom) made this cape for him. She is a very accomplished seamstress and can make about anything. I’m told she made the seven table clothes (like the one in the picture) in two days.


Needless to say he LOVED it.


He is cute and KNOWS it!




A Mohawk at the reception.


This picture shows the gift table. At the end are a bunch of flower buckets that I threw an extra table cloth over. When we got to the church my Aunt Linda asked us to rush over to the reception and try to use the extra flowers they didn’t have time to put out. When we got there we found A LOT of roses (white and purple) and some hydrangeas. We just started putting them everywhere we could, sprinkling petals at the bases of the tall vases, adding them to the ledges behind the bridal party table and to the front of the bridal party table, we also popped off the tops of roses and placed them on tables that only had candles. When we left we found a bunch of roses that we had missed so I just took them home. Now we have a like seven vases of beautiful flowers around the house.



Grooms cake. To say that Mark is a sports fan would be an understatement. Probably a good thing that he married a sports therapist.


The cake with a view of the bridge behind. The reception place was right on the Ohio river. There was a balcony that you could go out on and watch the barges floating past.


Bridal party table.





Aunt Salome, Noah and Chloe.

My mom had six brothers and two sisters. Salome was only 15 when I was born.


There was a nice glow to the reception hall once the sun went down and the candles got to show off.



Tina, Rachael’s little sister and maid of honor. Her toast was beautiful and defiantly made me cry. at the end she said, that Rachael was no longer only hers and told Mark to “love her and don’t forget to share her”



These pictures didn’t turn out the greatest, I don’t have a very good zoom and I was just taking pictures behind the photographer and didn’t want to get in the way.


This is a great picture of the bottom of her dress.

One word



Barges going under the bridge. Owensboro is where my dad grew up. I’m told when he was a teenager he and his brothers worked on a barge and that he fell off, almost drowning, luckily one of his brothers was able to jump in and save him.


A picture of the reflection of the bridge in the windows of the reception hall,



When I was little, every time we drove over, this bridge scared the crap out of me. Now I just look at it and feel nostalgic.


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