Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Beep...beep, beep...beeeeep...beep, beeep...

...this just in...

Tomorrow morning I have an interview. The first since moving home six months ago.


Truth be told, this is the first job I've submitted my resume. Nothing has peaked my interest. Which isn’t hard when there aren’t many choice in the first place.

The position is for "healthy families support specialist" the ad described it being pre and postnatal education for families. I am pretty excited. I got quite a bit of training at my last job and became very interested in the importance of environment/parent education/involvement and early intervention for children.

As time goes by the effects of working nights has become more and more acute. was rare for me to forget something, lose something, or neglect something. Now..forgetting, loosing, and neglecting are quickly becoming the norm. I can't remember simple words, and often wake-up thinking "is it 3am or 3pm?"

My job is one of isolation. My friends, the characters of whatever TV series I'm watching that week. Then.. After a week of nothing I am reluctant to join to world of the 'living'.

Thursday July 9th: mom showed me the ad in the paper. Way later that night I submitted my resume and cover letter (God Bless the internet).

Monday July 13th: Tri-Cap called and BOOM interview established.

Done in like two business days, how's THAT for instant gratification?

The concern I have for the interview is that it's at 8:00 am right after work. I pray that I am alert, and look professional. I am bringing my makeup curling iron and dress clothes to work, cause...well... I wear pajamas to work every night and that's not so much the impression I am going to want to leave.

The trifecta?

*Apply the 9th

*Interview the 16th

*Job offer the 17th

POSSIBLY... Just maybe...I'm jumping the gun.

Stay tuned to this channel for up to the minute reports on this late-breakfast news.


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