Wednesday, July 1, 2009



Motivation is powerful.
Recently I've noticed the scale
in my room malfunctioning.
It hasn't seen numbers in the 280's
since I bought it a year ago.
Imagine my surprise when I
stepped on,
looked down,
and 289lbs stared back.
This number, this 289lbs motivated me.
Suddenly I'm making better choices.

Choices I'd been ignoring well FOREVER
Choices to drink a lot LESS soda
Choices to drink a lot MORE water
Choices to eat a bowl of cheerios with a banana
instead of a bar of chocolate
Choices to walk the two blocks to CVS,
or take the dog for a much needed walk
Choosing to FEEL/experience hunger

As there are to all choices in life,
good and bad consequences,
result from these choices.
Good; I'm maintaining my 'weight loss'
Bad; caffeine withdrawal...
which may be causing my brain deadness

I used to have weight loss expectations.
Expectations that I've recently uncovered,
to be in reality, dreams.
Expectations that included...
being a size 10,
having a post tummy tuck looking belly,
acquiring the ability the walk in 3 inch heels,
banishing back fat FOR-EV-ER.

Together let's establish some realistic weight loss goals.
Goals to take a walk without getting a little winded.
Goals to fit my button up shirts better thus
eliminating the 'stuffed sausage' feeling.
Share with me your GOALS...
I need some support in making a few

Will I make mistakes...
yeah every day.
Will I crave Wendy's fries and not cheerios...
Will I not wanna leave the house...
But we are going to focus on the present.

Today... I'm motivated.
Motivated to drink water.
Motivated to move.
Motivated to eat out less.
Motivated to be 'healthy'.

Who knows maybe it will work for me.

15lbs down (since December 2008)
at least 130 to go.
Ehhhhh...Should only take a few months...
six at the most (wink, wink).

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