Thursday, July 2, 2009


Two of my favorite recipes, (caution...they are very simple so if you are into complicated cooking these are not for you) one may not even qualify as a 'recipe'.
Supreme Mama Jama
(eat until your sick)
banana pudding
I'd forgotten how great this tasted until I made it for a youth council meeting this past weekend.

What You Need;
2 (3.4 oz.) pkgs. instant vanilla pudding mix
1 cup milk
1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
1 (8 oz.) container sour cream
1 (8 oz.) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
6 bananas, sliced
1/2 (12 oz.) pkg. vanilla wafers

In a large mixing bowl, beat cream cheese until smooth. Stir in sweetened condensed milk, milk and pudding mix. Mix until well blended. Fold in half of the non-dairy whipped topping. In a large bowl, layer bananas, wafers and pudding mixture. Top with remaining whipped topping and crushed wafers (opt.). Chill.

The key to this recipe is making it 24hr before its served. This gives the cookies time to soften and the other ingredients an opportunity to mix and get to know each other. I've tried eating it right after making it and it just DOES NOT taste great.
Also don't skimp, get the full fat cream cheese, pudding ect... I've made it with low fat everything and it was simply not as satisfying.

I'm salivating just writing about it.
Walking Tacos
Brown Meat

Add taco sauce

Cut top off a Fritos individual size bag

Crush chips

add meat cheese and your favorite taco toppings

Insert fork


or eat it in a bowl like we do when we are at home.

Our youth group started selling these as a fundraiser at our yearly Herbsfest like 10 year ago. They were and are a HUGE success.

Hope you try and enjoy these concoctions.
I don't cook much so I'm sure I won't have more food ideas for while

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