Saturday, June 6, 2009

VBS 2009

Its that time.
You know the time.
The time of the year where you see the letters
V B S everywhere.
VBS being the secret, criptic way of saying
Vacation Bible School.

Starting Monday there will be over a hundred little kids running amuck in our small church. I want to tell you a secret. We just let the kids in and lock the doors. They have to fend for themselves. There is definantly NOT a gaggle of adult voulenteer workers whose mission (should they choose to accept it) will be to reveal the mystery of God's word to them.
It should be a fun and tiring week. I have the pleasure of walking around taking pictures of the happenings!
please now enjoy some clipart from our vbs..and yes you are looking at a guy in a kilt. Once I figure out who he is I'll let you know :)

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