Monday, June 1, 2009

DONE (almost *wink*)

After many LONG days, and a LOT of still sore muscles, the kitchen is 95% done.
(the tape when I painted the trim didn't come off clean so I will have to touch it up in a week or so)
Please enjoy the tour of our new kitchen.
Let me know what you think.
I thought a good way to add some interest was to surround the large frame of faces with empty frames. I don't hate it.

I couldn't get a good wide shot of the window, it just keep looking so dark. But I'm sure you get the idea.

the curtains are from a yard sale two brand new black sheer curtains only 4 dollars for both...oh yeah baby! and of course the red is from the vintage fabric I got off ebay and used for the curtains, the cabinet doors ect...

I took the back off the white shelves and taped the fabric to the back, cutting a hole for cords to go through, I love it!

I got the three solid color boards at a yard sale for .50 cents each. I like them.

mom and my brother think I need to put frames on the cabinets next to the window over the sink but the frames I have are too big so I am going to have to find smaller frames to put there.

the chalkboard door to the pantry

door that leads to the laundry room

we found four squares of cork board at a yard sale for a dollar and I velcroed them to door of the built-in ironing board we don't use.

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