Thursday, May 14, 2009

We Heart Art (blog carnival)

I have decided to participate in the 'We Heart Art' blog carnival, submissions end tonight at 10:00. There are some neat prizes up for grabs. This carnival is being hosted by three blogs
Domestically Challenged
Three Bay B Chicks and
I'm Living Proof God has a Sense of Humor
I'm new to trying to make hyperlinks (am I the only one that finds it a big labor intensive?) :)
So click on over and see all the wonderful kid and adult art at these sites, or get involved yourself!
I recently moved and when we painted my room we decided to do the doors a bit different.
First we painted the insets blue

Second we painted these fun birds I found on-line.

The picture above is behind the door into my room

These two birdies are on my closet door.

Third I took a sharpie and outlined the birds and accented the inset places
I think it turned out pretty good.

This is the frame that keeps my college diploma

I had really wanted one of the frames the college sold to put my diploma in but they were like 100 dollars. So I went to my local craft store Michael's and after using the 40% off coupon it ended up costing around 18 dollars.

When my friends have children I like to start them a scrapbook where I add new pages to them every year on their birthday.

One of my best girl friends is having her second child a little boy. I thought that this page looked beautiful AND was easy for her first child who is a girl...I can do girl! :)
Well thanks for sharing in my love for all things art. I hope to be able to come around and visit some of the other posts in the carnival.

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