Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Next week holds nothing but possibilities.
Mom will be on vacation all next week.
By no accident that happens to be my week off as well.
This gives us seven days to execute our plans.
Plans to paint, paint, paint.
Almost every room in the house has been stripped of awful 80's wallpaper and painted.
Every room except the living room and the kitchen. There is really no good reason the living room hasn't been given a fresh coat of paint. No reason other than there were rooms that were far worse...needing far more attention. Seriously, the laundry room used to look like something out of 'Golden Girls'.
The kitchen is a whole separate situation. It is just BAD! Pale pink and baby blue I don't believe were ever the IN color but I could be mistaken. Judge for yourself the design value in these colors. Mom hates the floor. I really like it. Once the new color scheme of black and white (with red accents) is implemented, I hesitate to predict that the floor is going to look really good. And...the cabinets. Do I have plans for the cabinets! Plans that include a large amount of frames from the thrift store and yet to be discovered fantastical knock your socks off fabric

These are baskets that are the inspiration for the colors

the fabulous floor

the splendor that are our cabinets, pink/blue/white

the wall behind the stove we want to do stainless steel tiles

the living room. we are going for a light but rich tan color
the only problem with this room is ALL the molding, we will
be doing a lot of taping!
Oh, yeah! Yard sales. We are going yardsaling (is that a word?) for the first time this year.
Yardsaling a verb.
Meaning getting up ridiculously early, to thrown on your best sweatshirt spending the morning going from home to home searching through others leftovers....for that illusive good deal that you can brag about later.
Yes, some may call it a sport....some may call it luck...I say it is just something you are born with.

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