Friday, May 15, 2009

Final Birdie Update (so sad)

I went to check on the birds today

When I opened the grill lid

This is what greeted me

Baby birdies falling all over the place

One was dead, I chose not to take a picture of that

One fell out of the grill and grabbed onto my shirt

it hung out there for a while before

I picked it up and put it back

They were flapping all over the place trying

to go somewhere, I don't think they had the map

This little guy

landed on the grill brush

I put him back in the grill

he promptly went to the side

jumped flapped twice and fell to the ground

Here he is walking around in his new world

I wonder where they will live

what preschool they will go to

will they graduate from Harvard or the school of life

how many times will they fall in love

how many times will they

make me a surrogate birdie grandparent :)

I'm a dork I know!

Really, all I'm thinking is that

I hope for them to survive and be happy birds

I want them to be safe

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