Friday, April 3, 2009

Just a day

Today can best be shared in pictures.
I went to Evansville with a friend (Carla) and her son (Jaxson).
First we went to Sam's Club where I observed the wonder that is bulk.
I bought supplies for my swiffer wet jet, they have some really good deals!
Then we went to Kohl's, and then the mall where Jaxson played in the play area and rode on the carousel.
I kinda like this picture

I just couldn't catch Jaxon when he came around

Then we went to the Yankee Candle store. Have you ever been in a store full of expensive glass jars with a two year old? It is scary.
I don't remember what he was doing in this picture. Whatever it is I'm sure it was cute, cause he is too cute!
As we were leaving the mall I saw one of the weirdest things. A vending machine to buy proactive cleansing solution kits. Slide your credit card, push a button and take your face wash like a kit kat. I had to take pictures as proof.

After Evansville I went to a meeting. Then Wal-Mart. I got a lot of stuff at Wal-Mart. So far my favorite purchase is a spray can that makes your nail polish dry CRAZY fast. I LOVE IT! I have been having the worst luck painting my nails lately. The polish just would NOT dry, so of course I would smudge it. I just painted my nails with a base coat, two coats of color, and a top coat, sprayed it with this magic stuff and I'm good to go. FANTASTICAL!
After Wal-Mart I came home, unpacked the car and let the dog out. I was exhausted but something happened and I started cleaning. For the next three and a half hours I cleaned. I washed windows, washed dishes, mopped all floors, cleaned the kitty litter, scrubbed down the whole kitchen, ect... I'm achy but I can know that I've done all I need to and bum around tomorrow. Yea Hoo!

This is random...
I won a prize of a fotomural ( and I have been trying to find a picture I want to use for the mural. In my search I came across this portrait of Arnold Schwarzenegger made out guessed it...jelly beans. Hard to believe, I know. Take time to appreciate this masterpiece.
Today I am thankful for;
1. a day with a friend
2. thrift stores
3. a God who is with me from the moment I wake
4. Benedryl
5. Flowers in a mason jar vase

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