Monday, April 6, 2009


Tonight I am exhausted. The first night back to work is always hard. I can never get the sleep schedule right the day before. When I get off, I will have been up for 24 hours.
This week I will; work, sleep, watch Dr Phil, work sleep, walk the dog, work, sleep, go to a Seder dinner, work, sleep, go to church, have Easter dinner at our house with some friends... Oh and did I mention I will work and sleep? :)

Yesterday I found a headboard in the attic. I spent a hour and a half trying to make said headboard into a grand foot board. The results? The headboard remains a headboard, and the search for a foot board continues.

Today I am thankful for:
1. Sleep after being up for 24 hours
2. My mom
3. My church
4. Feeling
5. I got nothin'

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