Saturday, April 25, 2009


It's two A.M. I'm bored. I'm watching LOST. Checking facebook and my e-mail on my handy dandy phone seems a good idea.

Unfortunately I don't have a laptop to bring to work. Some nights I think I would do most anything to have a laptop. I could digital scrapbook, blog, write, in general keep busy. The other day I was perusing the
Dell website. My knowledge of the inner workings of a computer are nil. I can figure out how to do what I want but ask me about hard drive space or wifi connect cards I will do nothing but give you a blank stare. What I do know is that the idea of having an orange laptop with some cool graffiti on it sounds perfect.

OK... Back to the point of this post.

When I opened my e-mail I found 12 gifts. Gifts, "What gifts? you may ask. Gifts of e-mails letting me know that there have been comments on this blog. I don't get comments often, and it hasn't really bothered me. I think I'm blogging more for myself. Kind of an on-line chronicle of what is going on in my life at this time. I gotta confess however, it was fun getting those comments, working seven nights in a row 12 hours each shift can be isolating. I needed that personal contact last night. I don't mind my job, working one week on and one week off can be really nice. It can also be really lonely.

Now I must be honest 11 of my gifts were from the lovely
Robyn, it seems she was getting caught up on a lot of my old posts. The other comment was from Shareleann she was the lucky winner of the prize I gave for the ultimate blog party. Go to her post here to see what she won, she received it in the mail just yesterday.
Realizing how much I like getting comments I am going to make a concerted effort to not just be an observer of blogs that I like. Rather I will be an active participant, you never know who you gonna meet.
I am now home posting this before I fall into bed for that neccessary sleep I need before work starts at 8 tonight. Sweet Dreams for me and wishing a great weekend for you!

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