Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Side Effects

I'm scared.

I have 22 pills left of the medicine I take for depression and anxiety. To buy them retail (without insurance), is astronomical.

In order to not experience what can be debilitating withdrawal side effects, I am allocating what if left. I am tapering as much as I can. I have been doing this for about a week now and am noticing some side effects.

*Nausea (intense a few times a day)
*Increase in being emotional and
*Not sleeping very well

I am nervous about how intense these symptoms are going to get and what state I am going to be like once I am completely off. I do not wish for anxiety and depression to come back into my life. I have never completely been healed, nor has that ever been the expected outcome. I just want to live life present. I want to be engaged, I want to be safe.

I’m asking for your prayers during this time of transition. I’ve been ‘withdrawal’ing emotionally and physically the past month or so. Red Flag!!! I know, I know. I have an amazing group of genuine people surrounding me. The problem being that I don’t know how to accept that acceptance.

Thanks for reading; I should try to go to bed now. I took two Tylenol PM hours ago and not so much tired. Mom has jury duty tomorrow (technically today) and is not going to go back to work when she is done. I’m excited because we are going to go eat and do some thrift store, it will be nice.

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