Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Operation Cootie Catcher

My mission (and oh yeah! I choose to accept) is to destroy whatever is in this house that is attacking me and making me so miserable. OH the Itching....It HAS to STOP NOW!
Step one was schleping the big power vac from the garage into the living room.
Once in the room you couldn't stop me. I was at war, at war against invisible powers, I am convinced I will win. I mean I am bigger than them and I think I'm smarter than they are. I talk about them like i know what is making me itch. I have NO idea what it is. I deceided to stop trying to figure it out and relented that coming to a peacful ending was not possible. Therefore, I declared war. All should be scared.
First I vaccumed the couch, 3 times. Next was my mattress I vaccumed the heck out of it three times and then two more times after I put the clean fitted sheet on there. Then I vaccumed the couch in my room three times. If felt good to do something, whether it works or not we will see. Only a day of living in it and a night sleeping in the bed will tell me if I can stop wondering when the itching is going to start.
Next and most importantly is the dog. Poor baby (10 year old) little bit.
She is not allowed on the couches or my bed for a few days until we can figure out if I have become magically allergic to her.
I got her into the bathroom and she SO knew what was going on.
Her ears dropped and her face got all sad looking. I put her in the tub and got her all wet, next I poured on the shampoo and rubbed, rubbed, rubbed making the lather.
Then you have to just WAIT for 5 min letting the shampoo do its magic.
I'm sure when little bit journals about her day later she will say that I kept her in the bathtub prision for hours.
Now, the five minutes are up and as I am rinsing off the shampoo, little bit is getting excited because she knows that we are going to be done soon.
I declare her clean, throw a towel over her and carry her like a baby lay her on the floor of the living room. Rub Rub Rub a Dub she is as dry as she is going to allow. The second she feels free she goes nuts...runing all over the house rubbing on things and shaking. I think maybe she does it because she feels too clean and needs to get some scents on her. I don't know...and I don't need to know because it is just dang FUNNY
Lastly I wanted to shar a sampling of all the product (lets call it ammo) I've had to use in this war against the Itching. The only thing I can't show is the steroid shot that the urgent care person gave me in my hiney. By far the best thing is the benedryl spray (fantastic). Lanacane would work if I only itched in a little area. The Aveeno oatmeal bath was nice but not all that effective. Benedryl pills work but make you tired, so take caution and note of what time of day it is when you pop those babies into your mouth.

Thanks for sharing my journy....I hope for it to end soon. pray for it to end soon. It HAS to end soon. Like I said in a previous post, it is like getting poked to death with a dull stick.

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