Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm Free!

I'm free! Monday has come at last. A new week has come. God willing I will get no calls asking me to work, and I will have no trips to urgent care.

My hope is;
For warm spring weather
For long walks with little bit
Finding an interesting topic to learn about at the library
That I will let go of my expectations of a clean house
Most importantly, the I am positive above all else

My old house was perfect. All things had a place, and most of the time they were there. We had a dishwasher, so there was never a back up of dishes, the carpet didn't show the dirt, and all the walls were nicely painted.

dining room old house

living room old house

living room old house

Now, the dishes are never always caught up, Christopher has no idea how to put anything away, the wood floors always feel dusty, no one seems to care that cords show or clutter is on display, and everything is just old (walls need painting, things needs recaulking, and the bathroom is just well A LOT of tiles).

I am learning to live with it and hope to embrace it...soon.

my bedroom

dining room

bathroom...completly tiles floor included

living room

all the cords!!
I've discovered our house isn't worse than others. Scars may haunt me from growing up in a trailer. I never volunteered that I lived in a trailer, there was innate shame that came with the lot rent. You aren't good enough to have a yard, you aren't worth enough to have your own mailbox, you are trash. 'Trailer Trash' that term came from somewhere. There is always truth in stereotypes, I did not want to be that truth. To this day I won't grow my hair long because I think it looks 'trailer trashy' on me all flat and stringy like I haven't washed it in a week.

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