Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I am. . . What about You?

I am… watching, episodes of shows I’ve missed, on my computer
I think… that I am going to have a good week
I know… my redeemer lives I want… a miche bag (really bad)
http://www.michebag.com/home I have… to start my car over three times to get it to start it is embarrassing
I wish…. I didn’t struggle with some mental illnesses
I hate… disingenuous people
I miss… my best friend
I fear… being along
I feel… scared
I hear… God whispering
I smell… the clean house
I regret... the really bad debt I got into and can’t pay back
I love… my mom
I care… too much about how other perceive me
I always… have good intentions
I am not… disposable
I believe… I believe in the sun even when it's not shining, I believe in love even when I don't feel it, And I believe in God even when He is silent
I dance… if you can call it dancing
I sing… every chance I get
I write… on my blog
I win... when I don’t let depression defeat me
I lose… when I become anxious
I never… I don't know what I never...you tell me :)
I listen… before I make up my mind on issues
I can usually be found… in front of the TV while cleaning, blogging, and crafting
I’m scared of… being stuck
I read… at the moment mostly blogs, I really do love reading and love when I find a good book
I forget… just about everything lately
I just… wanna live honestly with no excuses and no pretext
I am happy about… who God chose me to be
I found these questions on someones elses blog and thought it was interesting, what are your answered to these questions?

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