Sunday, March 15, 2009

Crappy Week

Wednesday night
I have washed my sheets three times this week.

Not because I strive to waste water and, certainly not because I love struggling with fitted sheets and all the layers of blankets required by the winter weather.

Then why, "April did you wash your sheets three times this week?" I'm so glad you asked!

I washed my sheets three times this week because I have been itching for over a month now and am desperate to MAKE IT STOP.

Never in my life have I been allergic to anything. I have never been admitted to the hospital, and other than a couple of ER visits have had nothing more than persistent sinus infections.

Monday I gave up. On top of the itching I had the stomach flu. Shaking I drove to the urgent care where I was told there is nothing they can do about the flu and a shot that should help the itching. For the first time in my 27 years I got a shot in my butt. (kinda embarrassing) Steroids. Somehow I made it home and fell into bed. Later mom called and suggested that I try a different detergent, that she would pick some up on her way home.

I spent the better part of the next two days doing laundry. My thought is that if I am going to determine the success of changing detergents. I have to wash anything with which my skin comes into contact. For almost two days the itching seemed to be clearing up.

After returning to work I have stalled in my recovery. There is something there that is biting me or that is allergic to me. The environment I work in is a residence. I have a choice of a fabric couch and chair or leather recliner. The fabric makes me itch like crazy, especially on my backside and legs. I am not the only one at work that is itching (I am the only one that has it this bad). I have no idea how to prove something is happening or how to approach my supervisors.

Only three more nights to work this week after this one. I will decide on my week off how to pursue this issue.

The itching continues...

Its like getting poked to death with a dull stick

Saturday night
My itching is markedly better, almost non-existent when I am at home.

Wednesday I noticed some bites on my legs. Daily they were getting worse and started to really hurt. So Friday evening I took a second go at the urgent care (another $50 dollars). No one can tell me what is wrong, a few guess are; staff infection, random poison ivy, bites that I've scratched too much, or something I'm allergic to.

Some pictures I took while in the waiting room;

Apparently you don't need to know what is wrong to prescribe an antibiotic.

Breakdown. Breakdown would be the word to describe what I had next.

How much was the prescription going to cost? I hate my job. I can't do this anymore. I don't have time to get the prescription filled and get to work on time. My leg hurts! I can't sit without it hurting because the sores are on the back on my legs. What the crap could I be allergic too? I hate my job. Jesus help!

Crying I run home and get what I need for work, and on the way have a conversation with my mom that did not leave me feeling proud of myself . What is it about people that you love? I know that I can be myself and be ugly and she is still going to love me.

By this time I am hungry and don't really have time to stop and get something to eat. I stopped at noble romans to grab some breadsticks real quick. After waiting for two people in front of me and watching the staff not seem to care, I'm told that it will be 7-10 min. Muttering "I'm already late" I walk out to my car, slam the door as hard as I can (which felt really good) and cry cry some more. Finally I make it to work (5min) late.

After more crying I take a deep breath and think man, I just need a hug. Next I do something that has always been really hard for me.

I called for some friends to come and cheer me up. I texted Amanda and when I found out she and Caleb didn't have special plans I asked then to bring me some dinner. They did. Happily. That was such an encouragement to me. Having depression there are a lot of times that I want to reach out and I don't. I believe that Satan has used my fear of rejection to make me feel isolated. I have let him win for years. I do things that I think people will like and I try not to need too much from them.

Amanda and Caleb showed up with Wendy's in hand (#7 only mayo with a Dr. Pepper). Also Amanda presented me with zebra head tie backs, a gift she bought me from a little shop, and the tile that I had painted the week before. She said I was to have some M&Ms also but Gus (their very feisty dog) ate them in the car. Seeing them made my night I got a hug, some dinner, and a very fun gift. They hang out for a while and when they left I was bored.

So bored in fact, I had a photo shoot with random things. Things like; the contents of my purse and objects lying around the house. (Pictures below)

All in all I gotta say I had a really crappy week. I could not be more excited for my coming week off.

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