Monday, January 5, 2009


Somehow in the last couple of weeks I have lost around 12 lbs. It happened suddenly without effort. The moment I become aware that I was capable to lose weight, it became a chore, an obsession. I am hungry all the time. Hungry in part because I have moved in with my mom and no longer eat as a lonely, bored, single person. There is not chocolate hidden in the coffeetable, or oreos in the cabinet. I gotta confess that it makes ya kind of cranky to feel hungry, and not want to eat that which used to give you satisfaction. I could really go for a s'more right now. I have not been convicted enough to stop drinking soda, or going to Wendy's. There are limits! Currently I am under 300 pounds for the first time in at least a year and a half, 15 more pounds and I will feel safe that I will not go to that number again. I have been 'big' all my life that I can remember. Never have I tried and failed to lose weight. Simply, I have never tried to lose weight. We'll see where this leads.

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