Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dear God

Dear God
I have no idea where I am going
I do not see the road ahead of me
I cannot know for certain where it will end
Nor do I really know myself...
and the fact that I am following your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so
But I believe this:
I believe that the desire to please you
does in fact please you.
I hope that I have that desire
in everything I do.
I hope I never persist in
anything apart from that desire
And I know that if I do this you
will lead me by the right road,
Though I may know nothing about it at the time.
Therefore I will trust you always,
for though I may be lost
and in the shadow of death
I will not be afraid,
because I know that you will never
leave me to face my troubles all alone.
author unknown

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