Thursday, January 1, 2009

Exhausted, but not enough to sleep

It is 3:00 in the morning the day after new years. So I guess that makes me a bit late on the resolution front. I find that it is not resolutions that i make but rather, I end up making a list of character traits I would like to have a better hold on by the end of the year.

Last year I knew that I was going to be taking a journey to a clinic for anxiety and depression and that my life would completly change from that experience as long I put my all into the treatment. My All is just what I did and I came out of that experience healthier, calmer, less paranoid, and better able to let life happen learning to take responsibility for only the things I can, and to leave the rest to the others God is leading to do their part. I have adopted the idea that if something is not 'eternal' then it is not worth the energy it takes to get upset.

So after trying to finish decorating the house today, after putting all the christmas decorations away, and finally deciding to face the new year I am ready to put into words the 'resolutions' I would like to make for this year.
#1 Integrity (character); I want integrity, satan is so powerful in making you believe that doing a certian something insn't a big deal, but am I the same in the light that I am in the dark? In all honestly I don't think so, that I would and can change.
#2 Servanthood; I want the desire to voulenteer, I always think that I want to and then I don't take advantage of oppourtunities that I have. With the new job I work one week on and one week off and will have the time to find something to invest in. I wonder what that will be?
#3 this post still under construction

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