Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Assaulted by the Sun

today i drove an hour and a half each way to training for my new job. i left at sunrise and came home at sunset...
the key word being SUN!
The entire way to and from work today I was assaulted by the sun, on all sides of the car. The beautiful rolling hills of southern Indiana sounds great until you have to drive them a half hour after you wake up. The one lane roads leave no room to pass, and forbid people go the speed limit. It requires SO much attention to drive this road to work. I am SO glad that I do not have to do it forever. Just a couple more days and a 20 min commute will seem like nothing.
After carefully considering the situation I have come to the conclusion that I have to just suck it up and drive. People obviously do it everyday but the feelings that it brought up in me were alive, i wanted to get out of the car and yell at the sun;
Stay in one place, dang it! Leave me alone!

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