Monday, August 16, 2010

What I Love About My Husband!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to re-post this for my newer blogging friends. I read this to my dear husband earlier this year, on Valentines day, on a double date. I highly recommend you do this for your spouse. They will be walking on air. We all need to be built up in love. =)

I love you because you are a good husband and father. You work hard so that I don't have to leave our children behind and work. You have sacrificed your own comfort to make sure we have everything we need. I also admire the way you take care of your mother. You have sacrificed your own comfort to make sure she is okay. That says allot about the example you will be to our future sons. I am so blessed to have a man like you - a man that I never deserved. Another thing that I love about you is how you play with your family. We have so much fun with you. I really appreciate you. I know your not perfect but I love you. Thank you for being such a good man to me and such a good daddy to our little girls and such a worthy son-in-law to my parents. You are my treasure.

Yours Truly,

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