Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Quote Of The Day - Seth MacFarlane

"Hey, we're still Family Guy. We're not suddenly going to become 7th Heaven. Actually, I guess on 7th Heaven they would probably burn the transsexual at the stake. Let me think of another example. We're not Mr. Belvedere. Look, Brian happens to be a heterosexual character, as I am. If I found out that I had slept with a transsexual, I might throw up in the same way that a gay guy looks at a vagina and goes, 'Oh, my God, that's disgusting.' It's just the way we're biologically wired. They should give that another look." - Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, who says he hasn't "met a lot of stupid homosexuals" and therefore is puzzled by the negative response to the show's episode in which Brian vomits profusely after learning his date was a transwoman.

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