Wednesday, August 18, 2010

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Mary Cheney Again Donates To Anti-Gay Candidate

Openly lesbian spawn of Darth, Mary Cheney, has again donated to an anti-gay candidate.
Cheney gave $500 on April 1 to Kelly Ayotte, a Republican 2010 Senate candidate from New Hampshire, according to the election records database Newsmeat. Ayotte is seeking to fill the seat of retiring GOP Sen. Judd Gregg. Ayotte told the Concord Monitor last August that she is “against same-sex marriage and believes marriage is between a man and a woman,” the paper reported. The New Hampshire news station WMUR 9 also notes Ayotte opposes same-sex marriage. "Support traditional marriage," reads her stance on the issue, as defined by “one man, one woman.” Three of the other four Republican hopefuls have expressed similar views.
Cheney, who claims to support marriage equality, has given money to anti-marriage candidates at least three other times.

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