Friday, August 20, 2010

Life Stuff & Great Blog Home Tour Craft Area

It looks like the blood transfusion was a success…I got blood work today and my red blood cell numbers went from an 8.5 (low) to a 10.1 (normal)…I’ve felt like I’ve had more energy…they will check it again next week to make sure it stays up and then I think I’m on my own…


I also had an appointment with my radiation doctor today and set up a tentative plan…I’m getting a PET scan tomorrow morning…a CT scan on Sept 1st, and from those results she will determine where they will focus the radiation…she said it is her job to treat the places that she thinks could possibly become cancerous with the least amount of treatment…


I’m working on my post updating my 101 things list and am excited about my progress…I’m also starting a new book/workbook and want to share that will you as well…

but first…

here is my craft area for the


I set up this area a little over 6 months ago and showed it here but I’ve added to the wall and have some new followers since then so I thought I’d share again…hope you don’t mind…


Here is an overview…


I used some old frames my former roommate had saved from the trash for me and bought some fun print paper at my local craft area to line them…


I also found the big letters at the craft store on CLEARENCE baby!


this is an old cart where I keep paper and stuff…the top I use to put the things I’m getting ready to mail…I cleaned it off just for this picture (don’t worry it is not always this clean)…


My work top…


I got the table at a yard sale for 5 dollars…the spice rack keeps all my little bits and pieces like brads, buttons, and beads ect, it is PERFECT and I love it…The nice lamp was a birthday present from a good friend…and the cracker jar and pink scale were other great yard sale finds…


I found a way to display my decorated matchboxes using the letter holders from old scrabble games I find at thrift stores…they fit just perfect…and the tiles that are left over are good to use in crafts…I also love how the clothespins look holding the postcards…I just hot glued them to the wall (and it comes off cleanly, I think we have a bit of a gloss on the wall which helps) can you believe the fragile looking pink/leafy postcard made it all the way from the Philippines to here without getting dirty or ripped…an angel must have been protecting it…



This is a fun vintage piece I found at a yard sale for 5 dollars…I love the feel of the legs…I think if I could I would have all my furniture look 50’s…Inside I keep stamps, blank cards…and that ugly misc stuff everyone has…and the top was perfect for mom’s plants…


Hope you enjoyed seeing my space whether it is your first or third time seeing it *wink, wink*

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM  Until Later

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