Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jewelry Showdown

This post will include all things pretty…I got the jewelry that I earned at my party and at the request of some of my blog friends and cause they are sparkly good I took some pictures of my loot…can I first just tell you how hard it is to take a good picture of jewelry…so these are the best I could do…




this ring is by far my favorite piece…it can be worn together


or separate…


a bracelet and necklace set…they are really pretty in person, a nice neutral color to go with a lot of different outfits…


an awesome red bracelet…I got the matching necklace which is just as chunky and fun as the bracelet but the order got a little confused and they sent me the wrong necklace…I hope to get the right one in soon…for the time being I love the bracelet it is substantial…lets you know you are wearing something on your wrist…


a six strand bracelet in a few different finishes…I got this one because it will go with any kind of finish necklace…I think it will be really versatile…plus it has a toggle clasp which I love!


a long necklace…that could also be doubled…I will probably double it when I wear it…I’m not huge into long necklaces on myself…


a beautiful pin


here is a way you can wear the last two pieces…you use the pin to clasp the two ends of the necklace together around your neck and then you can wear it on the side like I’m showing it (which I LOVE!) or you can wear it like a pendent in the middle or even in the back if you had a pony tail or are BALD like me…


another longer necklace it it longer than the other one and this is showing it doubled…it is too short to triple…this is the only one I’m not sure I’m in LOVE with…but it will go with a lot of outfits…it is silver, blues and grays


a pearl bracelet my mom picked out for herself


this is the only truly horrible picture…I got an adorable little 15inch necklace for my niece…it is silver with a little pink gem…I can’t wait to give it to her for her birthday in Oct…


besides the ring this is my favorite…it is the matching piece to the necklace my friends gave me here




of course I went through everyone’s stuff that ordered at my party so I could see what they got and I want to share a few of my favorites from them…what amazed me was that except for a pair of earrings no one ordered the same piece…


this is a ring my cousin got…


isn’t it wonderfully large…it looks so cool…


this one is just a silver necklace it has four layers and would be great dressed up or with jeans…this was on my list of things I might get but didn’t end up ordering it…it has a good weight to it as well…


finally…this fun purple necklace…this is the one I think I would have rather gotten than the silver, blue and grey LONG one above…it is just fun, and would as with most of these pieces go with anything…I tried it on and it looked really good doubled up…


tour over…


I sent off my first resume in over a year this morning…I know I thought I was going to send one in a couple of weeks ago but didn’t…wouldn’t it be great to have a daytime job to wear my new pretties too? We shall see if they call…


Until Later…

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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