Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Great Blog Home Tour-Master Bedroom


So, I know that I have show parts of my room before, so if you don’t want to see it again just ignore :) but I have been using old posts to be a part of  ‘the great blog home tour’ and I thought I’d write a proper post because I have a few new followers from swap-bot and well it is no secret I love my room…below are links to older posts of my kitchen and laundry room if you want to check them out…tomorrow on ‘the tour’ is the office space which will consist of my crafting area…I showed that about 6 months ago but it has changed a bit since so I will be doing a new post for that one as well…

Laundry Room


So here is a parade of pictures, and close ups of vignettes…I LOVE making vignettes…




P8180496 P8180499 P8180501 P8180523 P8180507 P8180510 P8180511 P8180512 P8180515 P8180516 P8180517

this is the front of the closet door

april 121 

and this is on the back of the door to the room, we had a lot of fun painting the little chick-a-dees :)

april 125

P8180519  P8180521

Hope you enjoyed your tour…let me know what you think :) I’ll be back later today to discuss how I am doing on my 101 things in 1001 days list…

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM  

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