Monday, August 2, 2010

Federal Court Rules Vitaminwater A Scam

A federal court has ruled that Vitaminwater is nothing but a sugared drink and that its marketing is deceptive. The product is owned by Coca-Cola.
A federal judge ruled this week that Vitaminwater will not, as its labels promise, keep you "healthy as a horse." Nor will it bring about a "healthy state of physical or mental being". Instead, Vitaminwater is really just a sugary snack food; non-carbonated fruit coke disguised as a sports drink. Because it's composed mostly of sugar and not vitamin-laden water, judge John Gleeson held that Vitaminwater's absurd marketing claims were likely to mislead consumers. Coke tried to explain away claims like "vitamins + water = all you need" as "only puffery." The judge disagreed.
The ruling clears the way for a class-action lawsuit brought by the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

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