Monday, July 26, 2010

Journal Time

My friend Amy posted a journal prompt last week and I decided to participate… "If you could live in any TV show for a week, which one would it be and why?" Of course I chose The West Wing because it is the perfect mix of funny, smart, and drama


Just the verse from my devotional…


Last week I was anxious and bored…I was really tired physically but awake mentally and it was AWFUL! I felt very trapped…


This is a journal page for a private journal swap I am participating in…the person who is my partner reads this blog so this will probably be the only page I post from this swap…but I was so happy with how it turned out I needed to share…


The Journal’s theme is all about fall and winter and our favorite things…one of my favorite things about fall is that school is starting and all the drug and office supply stores have amazing deals on school supplies…


I love to get those supplies and give them to the local elementary school…my goal this year is to give four backpacks…if you are lucky you can find a backpack for free OR sometimes there are REALLY good condition ones at the thrift store…


Friday I met mom at McDonalds for lunch and it was CRAZY busy…


My anxiety was kicking in and the person behind me was incessantly jingling her change…I thought I was going to scream…all I could focus on was the sound of her coins…


I almost turned around and said “You might not understand this, but I need you to please stop jingling your change…it is something that is making me anxious and I know it is weird but please stop” I did not ask her to do that, I’m sure she didn’t even hear her self…but when I am anxious it is really easy for me to focus on something small that will make me break…this the inspiration of this journal entry…


I really appreciate the gifts that come with my OCD and own the oddities…I was looking over my diagnoses from when I was at the clinic and the official diagnosis was OCPD obsessive compulsive personality disorder…which is a little different than obsessive compulsive disorder…but elementally very close…


Here is a postcard I made for the fabulous funky shoe postcard swap…


This is a pair of Liz Claiborne shoes I got over a year ago on clearance for 12 dollars…they are so beautiful…I’ve only wore them once but they are on display in my room…I used a 5x7 of the photo and then used an ice cream ad from a magazine to embellish it…I love how it came out!


Back of the postcard…


We have a curtain rod hanging on the wall in the living room and hang up throws on it interchanging them once in a while…


I love the versatility of it…


Yesterday I decided to use some ribbon and hang the shadow box I made honoring my grandma on the rod…


The big pencil is what she used to curl her hair…I can’t imagine how that worked but my mom said she used it ALL the time…


In the corner is a California Raisin (do you remember them?)…I have good memories of her having a bunch of these figures at her house and we would see them when we visited…


This picture shows the richness of the color of the throw…it is from India…my aunt Salome works at an adoption agency and brought these back for us…mine is tan…


Lastly my new blogging friend Kayleena at Once Upon The Moon is doing a weekly journal challenge and I am loving her idea…it is to pick a color a week (this week is red)…and to collect things all week the chosen color…then make a journal entry with those things…


Go over check out her blog, follow her, and participate in the challenge with me k? It will be fun!

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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