Saturday, July 31, 2010

It's Saturday!

Dearest readers, I know it's been a week since I've written so I decided to write before you get too worried. I will go through a quick summary of my past week and then maybe share with you my plans for the following week. I will also take an opportunity to share Jesus with readers who may not know the Lord.

My mother in law got sick. She spent almost two days in the hospital. Her potassium levels had gone up too high. She is home safe with us now praise the Lord (PTL!)
My oldest daughter got a urinary tract infection which is being healed with homemade, sugar free, very diluted cranberry juice, and half doses of Azo. She is doing much better.

I have been feeling weak and getting headaches. I haven't been able to keep up with the house as much as I would like. We had my nieces over for a couple of days. They kept my girls entertained and then I put them all to work. :-)
The last couple nights I made some amazing dinners but then last night I was too weak to do all the dishes. :-(

Currently I am getting ready to have my mom and step dad over next week. I am looking forward to enjoying their company. I'm sure they can't wait to see they're grandchildren. I am looking forward to a brand new week. I will hopefully be writing more often but will wait and see what the Lord has in store for me.
This morning I skimmed through my bible dictionary about cooking and will be looking forward to reading more later if I have time.

If you would like to know why I love the Lord. I want to say he changed my life. I don't take credit for this life change. I came acrossed some scriptures learning that Jesus Christ paid the debt of all our sins on the cross to make us clean, white as snow before the living God who will come with a vengeance to destroy every vile thing on this earth including those who did not accept Jesus as there Lord and savior, who thought they could enter heaven merely by good deeds. Read the New Testament. You can get through it in a couple days. The Bible is God's word and the only book which you can be sure will lead you to heaven. But before you read, I want to tell you to pray and ask God to soften your heart to receive his words. I want you to know that to believe you are good enough to enter heaven is the biggest lie you could ever believe. God is holy and requires us to be but we fell short of his standards and will burn in hell if we do not accept the payment that Jesus gave (his punishment on the cross for our sins) in order to enter heaven. His power will transform you but you must feed your spirit with his words. Go to your local dollar store and pick up a bible today. It is the most important book you will ever read.

I realize my boldness may get me in trouble with many who read it. Jesus sends his saints as sheep among wolves. I am expecting some to hate my guts for writing for him. I pray you receive this writing as a life giving perfume though. I love you. God loves you. And heaven is my home. I am just passing through here welcoming you. Please don't reject his free gift. Hell is a real place. It's fires will not ever be quenched.

The Lord bless you and keep you until we meet face to face in his kingdom.
May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.

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