Thursday, July 29, 2010

101 in a 1001 Days (Part Last)

The winner of the headphone giveaway is AMY…congratulations, I’ll get it to you the next time I see you, I hope you can use them!


Now, onto the final installment of my 101 things in 1001 days list…I have to admit to how hard it was coming up with 101 concrete things I want to achieve or do…I am pretty excited to have the list complete and start marking things off…


I’ve already completed two things and am well on my way to finishing numbers 75 and 80…

74. Get a bird bath

75. Don’t eat out for a week starting 7-26-10

76. Set The West Wing series on DVD

77. Keep a money journal of every cent for a month

78. Learn to knit or crochet

79. Save 5 dollars for every task I complete

80. Take the dog for a walk everyday for a week starting 7-26-10

81. Don’t eat chocolate for a week starting 8-9-10

82. Don’t drink soda for a week starting 8-16-10

83. Start rebuilding credit with getting ONE credit card

84. Make a new resume

85. Sponsor a child

86. See Wicked

87. Get teeth whitened

88. Plant a tree in the corner of the yard

89. Go to a movie with my brother


91. Actually send Christmas cards 2010

92. Send Christmas cards 2011

93. Learn about birds

94. Understand what a vegetable is and try some

95. Clean out my car trunk and keep it clean

96. Paint living room desk

97. Get a dishwasher

98. Continue to work on being nice to customer service people

99. Go to holiday world

100. Start different jars for specific savings

101. Finish this blasted list!

I’ll update as things get completed!

Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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