Monday, June 7, 2010


Can I get a WOOT! WOOT!
I got the info today that I have been approved for Medicaid…back dated all the way to January 1st 2010…I’m not sure I can explain what a weight this has lifted off of me…I feel like I can breathe and in my head move on to more important things…
The CRAZY amount of money we have spent on prescriptions the past six months will be reimbursed, minus the small co-pay for each…once I have documentation it will be between 4 and 8 weeks before we get it from each pharmacy…
it will be a huge blessing, there is one doctor I’ve seen that does not take Medicaid so I will be able to pay them off and use the rest to give to mom for living expenses…I have been unable to contribute the past couple of pay periods…
Having had a hard time finding positive things to be thankful for, as of late, and knowing that this is a mind frame that I desperately want to change…starting today, with any post, I am going to TRY to find 5 things to be thankful for or that make me happy…
#1. Approval of Medicaid
#2. I made waffles for breakfast
#3. I have more energy today than expected (yea! for being able to do laundry, dishes, and even a run to the library and post office)
#4. I anticipate being able to work the complete seven night work week the next week I work…it just happens to fall at the right time between chemo and being sick from chemo…this is a big improvement from the 2 days I worked two times ago and the 4 days I worked the last work week

#5. I got some beautiful souvenirs from Slovenia in the mail…a glass angel, really nice lace, crocheted bell, a milk chocolate bar, postcards, and a super cute wooden manikin figure…
Screenshot - 5_22_2010 , 8_10_13 PM

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